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Spin-Polarized Donors as a Building Block for Organic Conductive Magnets


by Jotaro Nakazaki





Chapter 1. General Introduction

Chapter 2. Spin Correlation in Cation Diradicals Derived from Pyrroles Carrying Nitronyl Nitroxide

  1. Introduction
  2. Preparation of PyrrolylNNs
  3. Properties of PyrrolylNNs
    1. Cyclic voltammetry of pyrrolylNNs
    2. ESR spectra of oxidized species of pyrrolylNNs
  4. Electronic Structure of PyrrolylNNs
    1. Difference in ESR spectra of oxidized species
    2. Disjoint and non-disjoint classification of pyrrolylNNs
    3. Rationalization by perturbational MO method
    4. UHF description of electronic structure of pyrrolylNNs
    5. Effect of p-phenylene as a coupler
  5. Summary
  6. Experimentals
  7. References and Notes

Chapter 3. Design of TTF-Based Spin-Polarized Donors Affording Ground State Triplet Cation Diradicals

  1. Introduction
  2. Preparation of TTF-Based Donor Radicals
  3. Properties of TTF-Based Donor Radicals
    1. Cyclic voltammmetry of TTF-based donor radicals
    2. Electronic Spectra of TTF-based donor radicals
    3. ESR spectra of oxidized species of TTF-based donor radicals
  4. Electronic Structure of TTF-Based Donor Radicals
    1. Revision of TTF-NN
    2. Exchange interactions in TTF-based donor radicals
    3. Electronic features of TTF-based spin-polarized donors
      --Comparison with other spin-polarized donors--
  5. Solid State Properties of TTF-Based Spin-Polarized Donors
    1. Crystal structure and magnetic property of neutral donors
    2. Preparation of charge transfer complexes
    3. Discussion
  6. Summary
  7. Experimentals
  8. References and Notes

Chapter 4. Preparation and Properties of Annulated TTF-Based Spin-Polarized Donors

  1. Introduction
  2. Preparation of Annulated TTF-Based Donor Radicals
    1. Synthesis of annulated TTF-based donor radicals
    2. Molecular structures of annulated TTF-based donor radicals
    3. Crystal structures of annulated TTF-based donor radicals
    4. Magnetic property of ETBN in neutral crystal
    5. Discussion
    6. Summary
  3. Properties of Annulated TTF-Based Donor Radicals
    1. Cyclic voltammetry of annulated TTF-based donor radicals
    2. Electronic spectrum of ETBN
    3. ESR spectra of oxidized species of annulated TTF-based donor radicals
    4. UHF MO calculation on annulated TTF-based donor radicals
    5. Summary
  4. Preparation of Ion-Radical Salts of ETBN
  5. Physical Properties of Ion-Radical Salts of ETBN
    1. UV-VIS-NIR and IR spectra of ion-radical salt of ETBN
    2. Conduction behavior of ion-radical salt of ETBN
    3. Magnetic property of ion-radical salts of ETBN
    4. ESR spectra of ion-radical salt of ETBN
    5. Discussion
  6. Summary
  7. Experimentals
  8. References and Notes

Chapter 5. Concluding Remarks

Appendix. X-ray Diffraction Data Collections

List of Publication



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