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Who is Jotaro Nakazaki ?

Project Professor of Prof Segawa's lab.,
Komaba Organization for Educational Excellence (KOMEX),
College of Arts and Sciences,
The University of Tokyo

Physical Property

  • Date of Birth : December 29, 1970
  • Constellation : Capricorn
  • Hight : 171 cm ; Weight : 65 kg
  • Bust : 83 cm ; Waist : 78 cm
  • Shues : 24.5 cm

Academic Career

    1970.12: Born in Tomiai-mura, Shimomashiki-gun, Kumamoto-ken, Japan
    1977.4 : Entered into Tomiai Elementary School
    1983.3 : Graduated from Tomiai Elementary School
    1986.3 : Graduated from Tomiai Junior High School
    1989.3 : Graduated from Kumamoto High School
    1989.4 : Entered into the University of Tokyo (College of Arts and Sciences)
    1992.4 : Entered the Department of Pure and Applied Sciences
    1995.3 : Graduated from the University of Tokyo
    1995.4 : Entered into Department of Basic Science, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo
    1997.3 : Took Master's degree
    2000.3 : Took Doctor's degree @ Sugawara's lab.
    2000.4 : CREST fellow of Sugawara's lab. @ Dept. of Basic Science, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
    2001.4 : JSPS fellow of Takahashi's lab. @ Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University
    2002.4 : Research fellow of Segawa's lab. @ Dept. of Chemistry, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
    2006.4 : Assistant Professor of Segawa's lab. @ RCAST, University of Tokyo
    2017.9 : Project Associate Professor @ KOMEX, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
    2020.11 : Project Associate Professor @ RCAST, University of Tokyo
    2023.6 : Project Professor @ KOMEX, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo


  • Favorite color : 1. Yellow-green, 2. Light Blue
  • Dislike color : Red
  • Favorite foods : Fruit (especially, Orange)
  • Dislike foods : a lot
  • Favorite drink : Coffee
  • Dislike thing : Telephone


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